Products are most widely used for subsea pipelines, risers and pilings in the splash zone. The aggressive offshore environment of splash and inter-tidal zones makes corrosion control a challenge for conventional methods. These areas are exposed to waves, spray of seawater, and the atmosphere. The high concentration of salt, oxygen, temperature variation, and mechanical damage due to flotsam and jetsam makes the splash zone the most easily corroded part of a structure and also the most difficult to protect against corrosion. The Splash Pro system is comprised of an interior anticorrosive barrier of petrolatum based STAC, and outer mechanical protection provided by a HDPE outerwrap. Many installations provides 20 years of adequate mechanical protection in most environments.
- Impermeable to oxygen and moisture
- Resistant to soil stress
- Minimal surface preparation
- Strong adhesive
- Protection against mechanical impact
- Uniform coating thickness
- Low cathodic protection costs
- Proven long life service